My name is Vincent Chavez and I dance.
I dance because my father taught me the value of hard work, dedication and discipline. That a job worth doing is worth doing right the first time. He is my rock.
I dance because my mother taught me to see the beauty in all things. To love life, laugh often and follow my dreams. She is my spirit.
I dance because it's my rock and my spirit. It's who I am.
Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I fell in love with dance at the local Community Center and have never stopped.
I received my dance education and training from Dance Theater Southwest, Ballet Hispanico, Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre and Alonzo King LINES Ballet Training Program.
My professional experience includes:
San Francisco Opera
Oakland Ballet
Robert Moses' KIN
Garrett + Moulton Productions
ZIRU Dance Company
Dance Theatre of SF
Nevada Ballet Theatre
New Mexico Ballet Company

Dance Artist

Back home in Albuquerque

Vincent Chavez & Emily Kerr

first arabesque